Formulaire d'adhésion pour nouveau praticien

Pour faire une demande d'un compte d'Affilié Lumina Learning veuillez remplir le formulaire ci-dessous.

Only complete this form when asked to do so by your Lumina Learning Partner.

To speak to us about our products and solutions or about becoming a Practitioner, please get in touch here .

Les champs signalés par un * sont nécessaires pour l'inscription.

Votre Région d'Origine

Données Personnelles

Business Information

Adresse d'affaires

Billing Address

Informations de Locale

Mot de Passe de Compte

Please enter a password below. You will only need this password if you do not already have a Lumina Account that you use to sign in.

Business Agreement

Personal Information and Privacy

By enrolling to become a Practitioner you share some of your personal information with:

The personal information you share as a Practitioner is processed in accordance with the Practitioner Privacy Notice.

You will be contacted by your Lumina Learning Partner when your application has been processed.